Be our friend. Send us your recipe 😈

Do you have friends? Do you cook for them? Do they ask you over and over again to make that one thing you made that one time and it’s kinda become Your Identity? Did ya try out a recipe a couple times and it served your friends well?

We’ll review your recipe, try it ourselves, and put it up for review to be published on the site.

Feel free to give as much - or as little - information about yourself as you like. I mean, give us lots of information about the recipe. But if ya want to be credited a certain way, or not at all - that’s on you my friend. Emails are not shared and are only used as a means to follow up with you in special circumstances!

Wait, there’s more!
Are you longwinded as hell? Same. Feel free to send us a PDF, word doc, or email to our special submissions address: