A food knowledge sharing community.

Guess what.

Everybody needs to eat!

Guess what else. Not everyone knows how to cook, or knows how to eat in a way that fuels them, or has a healthy relationship to food, or has a full pantry, or can eat every food out there.

If you’re a good friend, which I’m sure you are, then you should be cooking for your friends. Hell, cook for your enemies too. Everyone eats. Not everyone does.

This means asking them, first and foremost, what they can and cannot eat. Whether allergy or intolerance, abide by that like their life depends on it. Because it might!! Also: what textures do they like? What do they hate? What food is intimidating but they want to try? What food reminds them of good times? Are they low on any vitamins rn?

Sometimes, learning to cook for other people teaches you how to better care for yourself. It makes the world a little nicer, a little fuller. Win-win-win-win.